Egypt Refugee Appeal For Refugees from Africa, Iraq and Yemen 2018 | Page 24

For Refugees & Asylum-seekers from Sub-Saharan Africa, Iraq & Yemen and other vulnerable categories, especially children and women. Protection monitoring, legal counselling and coordinated humanitarian access and assistance to detainees will also remain a priority for UNHCR, as well training of law enforcement and immigration officials on international refugee protection, rescue at sea, human trafficking, smuggling, and mixed migration. Supporting the implementation of the National Strategy for Combating Violence against Women and the National Strategy for the Empowerment of Women will remain a priority and will involve close cooperation with the National Council for Women and other relevant partners. Innovative prevention initiatives and coordinated quality response services will be enhanced in 2018 as well as efforts to reinforce government and non-government SGBV prevention and response capacities and to support the socio-economic empowerment of women while also strengthening national policies and mechanisms. To respond to the specific needs of sub-Saharan African, Iraqi, and Yemeni refugee children and their parents, including UASC and other children at risk, the protection partners will continue to play a vital role in the coordination of stakeholders’ efforts to provide access to quality child protection services to all refugee children, adolescents, youth and caregivers affected by forced displacement. This is in addition to supporting a holistic, inclusive, and sustainable response to address their needs and to prevent harmful coping mechanisms. A continued 24 focus will remain on timely identification and referral of cases and the provision of quality case management, including best interest assessments and best interest determination. Further priority areas will cover capacity building initiatives, strengthening of alternative care arrangements in coordination with communities and the authorities, provision of specialized services for children with disabilities, cash-based interventions, and provision of community-based child protection services and specialized psychosocial support, including life skills and positive parenting programmes. Implementing the community-based approach, protection partners will continue to increase engagement with the various refugee communities to strengthen community capacity for self-management. As initiated by UNHCR in the past three years, training, material and technical support will be provided to community initiatives. Community outreach activities, including community meetings and dissemination of information on services rendered to refugees as well as dialogue with the communities over their protection concerns and how they can be resolved, remain a key objective, as well as promoting social cohesion between refugee and impacted host communities. These efforts will continue to be led by UNHCR throughout 2018. Refugees will continue to benefit from multi-year planning and prioritization for the strategic use of resettlement as a protection tool. The cases of 3,000 sub-Saharan African, Iraqi and Yemeni refugees are expected to be submitted for resettlement consideration in 2018.