EESTEC Magazine Vol 34 2014/1 | Page 50

EESTECers Abroad Once upon a time, in an EESTECland, there was a group of young people with a wish to travel. Each and every one of them had in mind different places to visit. Still, they had the same idea of how would it all look like. Spend few days, discovering topics in various fields while having fun at the same time. Can you guess who is more into programming? Or who prefers green energy topics? Who had a spark in the eye when saw Eiffel tower? Whose heart skipped a beat when taking first ride on the London Eye? Make it Code Our Power grEEnSTECk App Up Berlin Prague Paris London Clark Lopez 3. John, who is not surnamed Clark, participated in “grEEnSTECk”. 5. Prague organized workshop “Make it code”. 6. Mike was not surnamed Lee. 7. Berlin did not organize “App Up”. How To: Read the clues carefully to find out which combinations are right and which are wrong. Place tick or cross in the grid to record your deductions. Fill in the table once you are finished. Solution: Wilson Lee Clark Lopez Ellen Surname Name London Paris Prague Berlin LC grEEnSTECk App Up Make it Code Our Power Workshop Workshop Mike LC Lilly Surname John Lee Wilson 2. Lilly went to Paris. 4. Wilson went to London; he was not participant of “App Up”. Ellen Mike Lilly John App Up grEEnSTECk Our Power Make it Code London Paris Prague Berlin First Name Clues: 1. Ellen Lopez did not visit Prague.