Educational Trip to Pangasinan | Page 5

Pigar pigar, is a very popular street food in Dagupan, Philippines it’s so popular it has its own festival. This dish is a very simple dish that is made out really thin slices of beef and liver quickly deep-fried and served with fresh slices of onions. Though the popular meat used nowadays is beef the original version uses carabeef a meat that comes from carabao, also called water buffalo.



Binungey is the popular sweet sticky rice dessert made from Bolinao, Pangasinan. Also known as 'bamboo cake', Binungey is a mixture of sticky rice, coconut milk, coconut meat, and water slowly cooked inside a bamboo shell. Binungey is usually eaten as a dessert or as an afternoon snack, with fruits, tea, or coffee. Pangasinenses traditionally eat Binungey right after attending the mass. That's why it is being profusely sold outside the churches. ultrices posuere cubilia Curae.Vivamus purus ipsum, mattis quis urna quis, sagittis luctus orci.


Puto Calasiao for those who don’t know is a type of Puto (rice cake) shaped in small bite-sized portions and it is made out of semi-glutinous rice that is fermented in earthen jars. A rice cake that originated in Calasiao, Pangasinan, it is considered as the town’s “white gold” as this is one of their economic drivers in the region. Having said that it is very evident when you visit the town as the whole street is packed with vendors selling this sweet treat alongside with other lesser known rice cake types.