Education Sector Plan: Education for All: Embracing Change, Securing Finale | Page 73

6 . Monitoring and evaluation
Monitoring processes allow for the systematic gathering and examination of data regarding strengths and weaknesses in plan implementation , while evaluation processes allow for in-depth analyses of the extent to which desired outcomes and , where relevant , the long-term impact of the plan have been attained . As such , effective monitoring and evaluation ( M & E ) of the education sector plan is necessary for the MoE and other key stakeholders to be able to accurately measure progress toward policy goals and , where necessary , inform corrective action to improve plan efficacy . Strong M & E systems have three key components : ( i ) a functional management structure for M & E ; ( ii ) a clear monitoring procedure and data review process ; and ( iii ) a logical indicator system , inclusive of key performance indicators ( IIEP-UNESCO , 2010 ). The specifics of each component are presented below .
6.1 . M & E management structure
Monitoring and evaluating plan implementation will take place at both the technical and policy levels , utilizing three planning and management entities ( see Figure 11 ).
Figure 11 : ESP M & E Management Structure
Minister of Education
Senior Leadership Team
ESP Monitoring & Evaluation Committee ( EMEC )
Core Planning Team
Department Department Department
Senior Leadership Committee : At the policy level , this existing management entity will be responsible for advising the Minister on policy decisions regarding plan implementation and acting on Ministry policy decisions . The Committee comprises the Permanent Secretary , Heads of MoE Divisions , and MoE Personnel and Finance Officers . This committee , which meets at least once a month , is chaired by the Minister or Permanent Secretary .
ESP Monitoring and Evaluation Committee ( EMEC ): At the uppermost technical level , this committee will be responsible for monitoring and evaluating overall plan implementation in a coordinated and comprehensive way . Given the small state context within which the MoE operates , this committee will be responsible specifically for devising the MoE annual performance plan and reviewing progress on plan implementation on a quarterly basis . The committee will be constituted by persons filling the post with ‘ lead responsibility ’ in the Programme Implementation Matrices presented in Chapter 4 . 36 The committee will be chaired by the Chief of Education Planning , or another designate of the Permanent Secretary . Significantly , because Heads of Divisions will comprise part of this committee , as indicated in Chapter 3 , these persons will be responsible for cascading the MoE annual performance plan into annual operational plans for the departments in their respective Division , and in the case of the Chief Education Officer ensuring that School / Institutional Improvement Plans are in line with the operational plan for the Education Services Division . Critically , stakeholders identified for participation in the annual performance review ( see below ) will also be asked to contribute to the establishment of the annual performance plan .
36 . The committee predominantly consists of officials within the MoE ; however representatives from partner ministries and the private sector will be asked to contribute to the development of the annual performance plan , as well as participate in the annual review meeting .