Education Sector Plan: Education for All: Embracing Change, Securing Finale | Page 41

3. Policy goals and strategies Intermediate Outcome 13: Effective quality assurance, accountability, and support mechanisms are in place in the teaching profession Strategies: To raise the esteem of the teaching profession, the MoE will work TARGETS with Human Resources, the Public Service Commission, and the Teachers’ ❚ 80% adherence rate to professional Union to establish a National Teaching Council to assist with the overall standards to be developed management and quality assurance of the profession. In this regard, a set ❚ 100% of teachers in initial teacher of professional standards, including a code of ethics, will be developed and training monitored and evaluated implemented for the profession, based on the draft CARICOM Professional using guidelines to be developed Standards for Teachers. Additionally, in collaboration with the CFBC ❚ National Teaching Council operational Division of Teacher Education and Technical Vocational and Management Studies, M&E of initial MoE and CFBC teacher training programmes will be systematized. Initiatives to support the welfare of teachers will also be implemented annually at Ministry and institutional levels. 3.3. Policy Goal 3: Enhance governance, planning, and management to improve efficiency and effectiveness throughout the sector To attain the desired gains in education provision presented under Policy Goals 1 and 2, it is critical to enhance governance, planning, and management, in order to improve effectiveness and efficiency throughout the sector. At the Ministry level there is need for: (i) a more functional organizational structure to improve operations; (ii) a stronger strategic focus including enhanced education planning, policy coordination, and evidence-based decision making; and (iii) closer monitoring and evaluation of the level of investment and utilization of resources (human, financial, material) in the sector. Additionally, there are significant challenges throughout the education system with leadership and accountability that can be tied to the need for relevant job descriptions, strong performance assessment systems, and a core set of competencies and practices for school and Ministry leaders. To tackle these governance issues, the MoE has developed six intermediate outcomes organized under two programme areas, in order to improve efficiency and effectiveness throughout the sector. Table 9: Policy Goal 3: Programme areas, rationale, and intermediate outcomes Programme Area Rationale Intermediate Outcomes 5. Knowledge Management for Decision Making An evidence base must be established and maintained to support informed decision making and enhanced coordination of policy development and implementation, with a view to improving the efficiency and effectiveness of desired policy actions 14. Education planning, policies, and resource management are informed by data 15. Knowledge management and policy development and implementation are efficient and well-coordinated 6. Leadership and Accountability Effective leadership and strong accountability mechanisms are necessary to sustain transparent and efficient education administration 16. An efficient and effective organizational structure is in place to support Ministry functions 17. The leadership skills of system leaders are enhanced and there is evidence of participatory decision making and distributed management at the Ministry and institutional level 18. Performance management systems are in place and functional for all personnel and educational institutions 19. Strong accountability mechanisms are in place and functioning to effectively manage resources and equity at all levels 39