Education Sector Plan: Education for All: Embracing Change, Securing Finale | Page 36

Education for All: Embracing Change, Securing the Future In terms of equity in access to high-quality and inclusive learning environments, it is important that: (i) existing transition and promotion policies are reviewed, taking into consideration their impact on student motivation to learn and retention; (ii) students with special education needs are able to access teaching-learning in the least restrictive school environment; and (iii) special attention is paid to identifying all vulnerable groups in education and monitoring their access and participation. Furthermore, a GER of 20% for males and 38% for females at the post-secondary level and of 47% for males and 86% for females at the tertiary level provide evidence for the need to improve access to higher and continuing education overall, and to address significant Secondary school students’ cook-off competition. gender disparities in participation. As such, seven intermediate outcomes were identified to contribute to the achievement of Policy Goal 1. 34 Table 7: Policy Goal 1: Programme area, rationale, and intermediate outcomes Programme Area 1. Access and Participation Rationale Improving equitable access to and participation in education at all levels is foundational to facilitating quality and relevant lifelong learning for all Intermediate Outcomes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Universal ECD for the 3–4 age group and growth in enrolment of the 0–2 age group in high-quality home and centre-based settings is achieved Universal secondary education is provided for all students through Form 5 Universal access to TVET competencies in compulsory education is provided and gender disparities in participation in TVET courses are reduced at the secondary level and beyond Student transition and promotion policies are informed by an evaluation of current practices regarding student motivation and equity Students from ECD-post-secondary with special educational needs are able to access quality care and instruction in the least restrictive school environment Increased enrolment and completion in higher and continuing education Vulnerable and non-vulnerable groups are able to access quality education at all levels equally Programme Area 1: Access and Participation Intermediate Outcome 1: Universal ECD for the 3–4 age group and growth in enrolment of the 0–2 age group in high- quality home and centre-based settings is achieved Strategies: The MoE seeks to provide adequate space for children aged 0–5, TARGETS including those with special needs in a combination of public and private- ❚ NER of 60% for children aged assisted centres by increasing the number of day-care and preschool 2 years old and GER of 95% for spaces. To do this, it will be necessary to determine current and projected children aged 4 years old for both ECD needs and establish a sustainable approach to expanding the sector males and females that considers both the expansion of government centres and subsidizing the expansion of the private sector, which currently comprises 59% of service providers at this level. Additionally, effort will be made to expand and augment the Reaching the Unreached Programme, which provides early stimulation and education training to home-based providers, many of whom serve the most vulnerable in the 0–2 age group. Intermediate Outcome 2: Universal secondary education is provided for all students through Form 5. Strategies: Efforts will be focused on reducing the dropout rate throughout the secondary cycle, and, particularly at the Form 4 level. To do this, academic, behavioural, psychosocial, and career-oriented student support services will be strengthened in secondary schools to assist students at risk TARGETS ❚ Dropout rates of no more than 1% for Forms 1-3 and 5% for Form 4 for both males and females