Education Sector Plan: Education for All: Embracing Change, Securing Finale | Page 35

3. Policy goals and strategies The key policy issues presented in the education sector diagnosis (Chapter 2) must be taken up if the education system in SKN is to successfully contribute to individual and national development needs and uphold its commitment to the sub-regional education sector strategy (OESS), as well as the global mandate for education captured in SDG 4. As such, three overarching policy goals have been identified to strengthen the Ministry’s capacity to attain its vision and mission and realize the objectives of the 2005 Education Act. The three policy goals and six thematic programme areas through which policies are operationalized are outlined below. Table 6: Policy goals and programme areas Policy Goals Programme Areas I. Improve equitable access to and participation in education at all levels 1. Access and Participation II. Strengthen the quality and relevance of education at all levels to improve learning outcomes 2. Curriculum and Assessment 3. Quality and Relevant Teaching and Learning 4. Professionalizing the Teaching Force III. Enhance governance, planning, and management to improve efficiency and effectiveness throughout the sector 5. Knowledge Management for Decision Making 6. Leadership and Accountability Figure 10: Cross-cutting themes Access and participation Leadership and accountability Knowledge management for decision making 4 Themes 1. Policy development 2. ICT integration 3. TVET 4. Equity Professionalizing the teaching force Curriculum and assessment Quality and relevant teaching and learning These policy goals provide a long-term view for the direction of education development and policy in SKN over the next 10 years. While they will need to be supported by sustained and relevant interventions over the long term to enable full actualization, this plan presents intermediate outcomes, strategies, and targets that will move the Federation closer to accomplishing these goals over the five-year period 2017–2021. Significantly, while strategies within each programme area are designed to res