Education Sector Plan: Education for All: Embracing Change, Securing Finale | Page 18

Education for All: Embracing Change, Securing the Future 1.2. The goals, core values, and theme of the ESP The MoE’s goals and objectives The overarching goals and objectives of the education sector are captured in the 2005 Education Act, which provides the legal framework for education policies and provision (see Box 1). Box 1: Goals and objectives of the education sector Goals: 1. The establishment and strengthening of a varied and comprehensive educational system that is based on societal needs. 2. The provision of access to quality education for all the nationals of St. Kitts and Nevis in institutions that foster the spiritual, cultural, moral, intellectual, physical, social, and economic development of the individual and the community. Objectives: 16 (a) encourage and promote the development of basic knowledge and skills in all persons, including: (i) the skills of literacy, listening, speaking, reading, writing, numeracy, mathematics, analysis, problem solving, information processing, computing; (ii) critical and creative thinking skills for today’s world; (iii) an understanding of the role of science and technology in society together with scientific and technological skills; (iv) an appreciation and understanding of creative arts; (v) physical development and personal health and fitness; and (vi) the creative use of time; (b) develop self-worth through positive educational development; (c) promote the importance of the family and community; (d) provide opportunities to reach maximum potential; (e) promote recognition, understanding, and respect for the constitution, laws, and national symbols of the state; (f) develop an understanding of the principle of gender equality and other forms of equality as defined in the Constitution; (g) promote an understanding of the history, language, culture, rights, and values of Saint Kitts and Nevis and their role in contemporary society; (h) increase awareness and appreciation of the natural environment; (i) promote a national and Caribbean identity through regional cooperation and integration; (j) develop an understanding of the historical and contemporary role of labour and business in society; (k) prepare for participation in the affairs of St. Kitts and Nevis and the global society. Source: Education Act, GoSKN, 2005. Taking these overall goals and objectives into account, and in line with the OESS vision that ‘Every Learner Succeeds’ (OECS, 2012), the Ministry of Education is guided by the following vision and mission statements: Vision : The provision of holistic lifelong education for all that contributes to sustainable development, builds civic responsibility, and fosters in individuals the ability to succeed locally and globally. Mission : To provide for all citizens and residents, in collaboration with other stakeholders, a comprehensive course of quality lifelong education, which will enable individuals to develop and achieve their full potential, allowing them to make meaningful contributions to national development. The GoSKN, through the MoE, is committed to providing quality and relevant education for learners of all ages that allows for individual empowerment and national sustainable development. The MoE’s core values and guiding actions Eight core values or central tenets have been identified as key to the MoE’s pursuit of its vision, mission, and implementation of the ESP. These are supported by several guiding actions that take the form of approaches to implement the eight core values (see Table 1).