Education News | Page 23

SUCC ES SFU L D E F E NC E Dr. Jenn deLugt, Assistant Professor in Inclusive Education and Core Studies, successfully defended her doctoral dissertation May 13 at Queen’s University. Jenn’s dissertation explored how appropriate reading intervention strategies may be used to ameliorate emotional and behavioural disorders in children. Her doctoral studies were funded in part by SSHRC Fellowships. Dr. Gale Russell, Assistant Professor in Mathematics Education, successfully defended her dissertation, “Valued Kinds of Knowledge and Ways of Knowing in Mathematics and the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics: A Worldview Analysis” on June 23 at the University of Saskatchewan. Her external examiner, Dr. Lisa Lunney Borden of St. Francis Xavier University, noted Dr. Russell’s exceptional skill as a researcher and the contributions that her dissertation will make to the national conversation relating to transforming the experiences in mathematics education for Indigenous students. Photo: A Faculty time-honoured tradition is to award faculty with the Dead Balloon Award when they successfully defend their dissertation. Photo (L-R) Dr. Christine Massing, Dr. Jenn de Lugt, and Dr. Gale Russell. F all 2016 T heory and M eThod S eMinar S erieS W ednesdays , 12:00 p . m . – 1:00 p . m . e ducation B uilding , R m 314, u niveRsity of R egina o ctobEr 5 I nstItutIonal E thnography : a F EmInIst a pproach c ombInIng t hEory and m Ethod L aurie C Lune , F aCuLty oF n ursing , u niversity oF r egina o ctobEr 12 I ndIgEnous c ultural r EsponsIvIty t hEory (Icrt) as a m Ethodology J o L ee s asakamoose , F aCuLty oF e duCation , u niversity oF r egina o ctobEr 19 a n E xploratIon oF thE I ssuEs u ndErlyIng a ccEssIng s ustaInablE F undIng at thE r EgIna I mmIgrant W omEn c EntrE (rIWc) m ariLyn m iLLer , F aCuLty oF e duCation , u niversity oF r egina & n eeLu s aChdev , r egina i mmigrant W omen C entre n ovEmbEr 2 E arth t racEs : r EclaImIng a rmEnIan I dEntIty t hrough p oEtry and d ancE C eLeste s noWber , s imon F raser u niversity (L istening L ab With k athryn r iCketts ) n ovEmbEr 9 c ommunIcatIvE s pacE and thE E mancIpatory I ntErEsts oF a ctIon r EsEarch P auL k oLeniCk , F aCuLty oF e