Education News | Page 14

C O N V O C ATI O N A W A RD S SASKATCHEWAN TEACHERS’ FEDERATION PRIZE RECIPIENT Raquel graduated with a Bachelor of Education in Elementary Education with Great Distinction. During her studies, Raquel was the recipient of several scholarships: Centennial Merit Plus (Fall 2012), Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation (Fall 2013, 2014), Academic Gold (Fall 2013), Helen Marguerite Fuller Prize for Teaching (Fall 2014), Children on the Move (Fall 2014, 2015), Canadian Federation of University Women—Regina (Fall 2014), Academic Silver (Fall 2014, 2015), Muriel Welwood Scholarship for Women in Education (Fall 2015), Dr. Mary Cronin Literacy (Fall 2015), Bernadine Melanson (Winter 2016), and Regina Sunshine Preschool Society Prize (Winter 2016). She was on the Dean’s Honour’s List in Fall 2014 and Winter 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016. Raquel Bellefleur was awarded the Spring 2016 Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation Prize. Photo courtesy of Raquel. At each University of Regina convocation ceremony, the most distinguished student of the graduating class in the Faculty of Education who does not hold another degree is awarded the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation (STF) Prize. At the 2016 Spring Convocation, the Fa culty of Education was pleased to present the STF prize to Raquel Bellefleur. In addition to all of her work with UR S.T.A.R.S., Raquel was a member of the Cougar Women’s Soccer program from 2012 to 2014; as a student athlete, she had opportunity to work with new-to-Canada children to improve both their soccer skills and their communication skills. In addition to academic and athletic commitments, Raquel devoted time to volunteering at several Regina organizations such as Wascana Rehabilitation Centre and Regina Women’s Transition House. In June, Raquel was hired as a teacher at W. F. Ready School. She began her new career in September. We still see her at the University, though. She brought her class to the Glen Anaquod Tipi Raising Competition this fall and she co-organized the second annual #TreatyEdCamp (photo below). One of Raquel’s distinguishing features is her commitment to social justice, demonstrated in her role as a Co-Executive Director of UR S.T.A.R.S. (Students and Teachers Anti-Racist/Oppressive Society). UR S.T.A.R.S. successfully facilitated several professional development events including an inaugural #TreatyEdCamp, which hosted several sessions on integrating mandatory treaty education into subject specific areas in schools and was attended by 250 preservice and in-service educators from across Saskatchewan. BACHELOR OF EDUCATION AFTER DEGREE (BEAD) PRIZE RECIPIENT Convocation prize is awarded to the most distinguished graduate, with an overall internship rating of “Outstanding” and the highest grade point average in the program. The Faculty of Education is pleased to present the BEAD Convocation Prize to Michelle Wall, a distinguished graduate in the Faculty of Education. Michelle is graduating with a Bachelor of Education (Secondary) with Great Distinction. She majored in Biology with a minor in General Science. During her studies at the University of Regina, Michelle was the recipient of the Academic Silver Scholarship (Fall 2014, 2015). Michelle Wall was awarded the Spring 2016 Bachelor of Education After Degree Prize. The Bachelor of Education After Degree (BEAD) Convocation Prize was established by the Faculty of Education to encourage and recognize BEAD students. The BEAD Michelle received a B.Sc. in Applied Microbiology and an M.Sc. in Botany from the University of Guelph in Ontario. She studied the unique interactions between bacteria, fungi and plant roots, and has an enduring interest in the microbes that live in the soil. During her graduate studies, Michelle discovered a love of teaching and began teaching biology and microbiology at Red Deer College and then the University of Calgary and the University of Manitoba. She and her family moved to Regina in 2003, and though she took time to raise her children, she continued work as a sessional instructor for the Faculty of Science, and a lab instructor for the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Regina. When it was time to consider transitioning to full-time work, Michelle made the decision to pursue a B.Ed. Michelle has started working as a substitute teacher with the Regina Public School Board, and is once again enjoying sharing her knowledge and experience with high school students throughout the city. The Faculty of Education congratulates Michelle Wall on her accomplishments, and wishes her much success in her future endeavours. Page 14