Education News Autumn2017web (2) | Page 3

Acting Dean’s message Ac t in g D e a n, D r. A n d r e a S terz uk The Faculty of Education has experienced a lot of changes in 2017, many of which we see reflected in this autumn issue of Education News. With the departure of Dr. Jennifer Tupper, after three years as Dean, we have begun the search for a new leader of the Faculty of Education. In the meantime, I have the honour of serving my faculty, and the educational community at large, as the Acting Dean until June 30, 2018. This summer we also welcomed a new associate dean to the Education leadership team – Dr. Twyla Salm, Associate Dean of Graduate Programs and Research in Education. We also have another faculty member in an entirely new leadership role. Dr. Anna-Leah King is the first Chair of Indigenization of the Faculty of Education. As our faculty experiences changes and growth, a strong leadership team is important. I am grateful to Twyla and Anna-Leah for their commitment to serving the faculty in these important leadership roles. We are also undergoing changes in programs and even in our physical spaces! We are in the final changes of construction on two projects: the Faculty of Education Student Services space and the Nanâtawihowikamik Healing Lodge and Wellness Clinic. Living through renovations of any space is never easy, but these changes are sure to improve teaching and learning in the Faculty. This summer, we also introduced an important new certificate program—Teaching Elementary School Mathematics. New faces in the Faculty is another area of transformation. We welcome Ian Matheson, Anne Lauf, Jolene Goulden, and Shauna Beylefeld to their respective roles as well as our newest Elder-in-residence, Cecile Asham. The next few months will continue to be a period of transition as we work to respond to recommendations from an external review of the Faculty and as we prepare for the new dean. I am proud of the Faculty of Education, the work that we do, faculty, staff, and, most importantly, the students. I look forward to the exciting changes ahead. Andrea Sterzuk Acting Dean, Faculty of Education ABOUT ACTING DEAN ANDREA STERZUK I n June 2017, Dean Jennifer Tupper resigned her position at the University of Regina to take on the Dean role at her alma mater, the University of Alberta, Faculty of Education. Following consultations, the University appointed Dr. Andrea Sterzuk, Associate Professor, Language and Literacy Education as Acting Dean of Education for a one-year period effective July 1, 2017. Education, University of Regina in 2007. Prior to her academic career, she worked as a public school teacher in rural Saskatchewan and in the Canadian arctic. She served as the Acting Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Programs in Education for 15 months from 2015-2017. Nationally, she is the president of the Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics. Dr. Sterzuk holds a PhD in second-language education from McGill University and joined the Faculty of Dr. Sterzuk teaches in the areas of linguistic diversity in schools, second language pedagogy, and issues of power, identity, and language in education. Her current research projects include a mixed methods study of the development of language beliefs in teachers and a study of language policy and planning in higher education. She is the author of a book on the topic of English language variation and colonialism. Dr. Sterzuk enjoys gardening and learning languages. During the summer months, she can b e found participating in cycling, running and swimming clubs, local triathlons, and several road races. Education News is a publication of the Faculty of Education, University of Regina, Regina, SK Editor: Shuana Niessen ([email protected]) For archived copies and up-to-date news and events, visit Education News | Page 3