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Published research

Armstrong , A . ( 2017 ). Using ‘ tapestries ’ to document the collective mathematical thinking of small groups . Qualitative Report , 22 ( 6 ), 1673 - 1692 .
Armstrong , A . ( 2017 ). Bricolage in middle years school mathematics . For the Learning of Mathematics , 37 ( 2 ), 19 - 24 .
Ballinger , S ., Lyster , R ., Sterzuk , A ., & Genesee , F . ( 2017 ). Contextappropriate crosslinguistic pedagogy Journal of Immersion and Content- Based Language Education , 5 ( 1 ), 30 - 57 .
Carter , M . R ., & Triggs , V . ( Eds .). ( 2017 ). Arts education and curriculum studies : The contributions of Rita L . Irwin . Studies in Curriculum Theories Series ( W . Pinar Ed .) New York , NY : Routledge .
Chernoff , E . J ., Russell , G ., et al . ( 2017 ). There is no evidence for order mattering ; therefore , order does not matter : An appeal to ignorance . Avances de Investigación en Educación Matemática , 11 , 5 - 24 .
Hanson , C . & Fox Griffith , H . ( 2017 ). Tanning hide and spinning wool : Arts-based inquiry and intergenerational learning in Indigenous textiles . Engaged Scholar Journal ( Special issue : Engaging with Indigenous Communities ). 3 ( 1 ), 225 -246 . http :// esj . usask . ca / index . php / esj / issue / view / 4 / showToc
Irwin , R . L ., Bickel , B ., Triggs , V ., et al . ( 2017 ). The city of Richgate : A / r / t / ographic cartography as public pedagogy . In W . Pinar ( Ed .), Arts education and curriculum studies : The contributions of Rita L . Irwin . Studies in Curriculum Theories Series ( pp . 179 - 192 ). New York , NY : Routledge .
Mbano , N ., & Nolan , K . ( 2017 ). Increasing access of female students in Science , Technology , Engineering and Mathematics ( STEM ), in the University of Malawi ( UNIMA ).
Science Education International , 28 ( 1 ), 53 - 77
Mulholland , V . L ., & Salm , T . ( 2017 ).“ It doesn ’ t feel like a natural fit ”: Co-operating teachers account for their evaluation and assessment of pre-service teachers ’ efforts to fulfill social justice indicators . AJER , 63 ( 1 ).
Niessen , S . ( 2017 ). Shattering the silence : The hidden history of Indian residential schools in Saskatchewan . Regina , SK : Faculty of Education , University of Regina . www2 . uregina . ca / education / saskindianresidentialschools /
Osmond-Johnson , P . ( 2017 ). Leading professional learning to develop professional capital : The Saskatchewan Professional Development Unit ’ s facilitator community . International Journal of Teacher Leadership , 8 ( 1 ).
Russell , G . ( 2017 ). Transreform radical humanism : A mathematics and teaching philosophy . Netherlands : Sense .
Sasakamoose , J . , Bellegarde , T . , Sutherland , W . , Pete , S ., & McKay-McNabb , K . ( 2017 ). Miýopimātisiwin developing Indigenous Cultural Responsiveness Theory ( ICRT ): Improving Indigenous health and well-being . The International Indigenous Policy Journal , 8 ( 4 ). Retrieved from : http :// ir . lib . uwo . ca / iipj / vol8 / iss4 / 1
Snowshoe , A ., Crooks , C . V ., Tremblay , P . F ., & R . E . Hinson . ( 2017 ). Cultural connectedness and its relation to mental wellness for First Nations youth . The Journal of Primary Prevention , 38 ( 1 – 2 ), 67- 86 .
Stelmach , B ., Kovach , M ., & Steeves , L . ( 2017 ). Casting a new light on a long shadow : Saskatchewan Aboriginal high school students talk about what helps and hinders their learning . AJER , 63 ( 1 ).
Salm , T ., & Mulholland , V . ( 2017 ). How cooperating teachers and interns understand “ teaching for a better world ” during internship . International Journal of Learning , Teaching and Educational Research 16 ( 3 ), 105 - 123 .
Staden , A . V ., & Sterzuk , A . ( 2017 ). « Un-frenching » des Canadiennes françaises : histoires des Fransaskoises en situation linguistique minoritaire . Revue Canadienne de Linguistique Appliquée , 20 ( 1 ), 98 - 114 .
Steeves , L ., & Carr-Stewart , S . ( 2017 ). Improving Indigenous student learning outcomes : A conceptual framework . In J . Reyhner , J . Martin , L . Lockard , & W . Sakiestewa Gilber ( Eds .), Honoring our teachers ( pp . 35 - 60 ). Northern Arizona University ’ s College of Education , Flagstaff , Arizona .
Thompson , S . A ., & Timmons , V . ( 2017 ). Authentic inclusion in two secondary Schools : " It ' s the full meal deal . It ' s not just in the class . It ' s everywhere ." Exceptionality Education International , 27 ( 1 ), 62 - 84 .
Triggs , V . ( 2017 ). Theme 1 Introduction : Gathering an artful curriculum . ( p . 3 - 6 ). Studies in Curriculum Theories Series ( W . Pinar Ed .). New York , NY : Routledge .

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