Edge of Faith September 2017 | Page 2

FEATURES FROM THE EDITOR Cameron Anderson Art & God The Executive Director of CIVA (Christians In the Visual Arts) shares his experiences and thoughts about art and the church as we discuss his new book, “The Faithful Artist, A Vision For Evangelicalism and the Arts”. through image and interview, the unique relationship between the artist and the Creator; more broadly, the connection between religious experience and artistic Enjoy Terry sharing with EOF about some of the wonderful pieces of art, music and intriguing movies that every Christian should know. Luci Shaw God’s thumbprints are in everything around us, from a beautiful flower to a peacefully waving ocean. Join us as we talk with Luci Shaw about her insights and enjoy some of her thought provoking poetry. William Edgar “Created & Creating, A Biblical Theology of Culture”, examines the complexity of Christians engaging in their culture, utilizing insights from some of the great cultural theolo- gians such as C.S. Lewis, T.S. Elliot, Abraham Kuyper and others. Tim Muehlhoff EOF has a conversation with Tim Muehlhoff on his and Richard Langer’s new book, “Winsome Persuasions, Christian Influence in a Post-Christian World”. Find insight on how, as a Christian, to engage as a minority in a secular dominated culture. creativity. On the eve of the Third Millennium in an Easter Day Letter Cameron Anderson Executive director of CIVA discusses his new book, “The Faithfu Artist” Terry Glaspey 75 Masterpieces Every Christian Should Know: The Fascinating Stories behind Great Works of Art, Literature, Music, and Film Lucy Shaw Her poetry and latest publication, “Thumbprints in the Clay” to Artists, Pope John Paul II outlined the importance of the arts as a means for spiritual transcendence (“epipha- nies of beauty”) and described the relationship between the artist and the Creator thusly, “with loving regard, the divine Artist [God] passes on to the human artist a spark of his own surpassing wisdom, calling him to share in his & GOD A rt Terry Claspey In this issue of Edge of Faith Magazine, we will explore, SEPTEmBER 2017 Editor in Chief Michael Porter Senior Editor Karla Probert creative power.” Marketing Director Anne Porter At Edge of Faith Magazine, we believe that all creative Graphic Art Director Matt Kime endeavor is not only a natural byproduct of being cre- ated in the image of God, but also the means by which we understand and surpass the created world, piercing the veil to both perceive and honor the Creator. It is our hope that you find the variety of art and articles in this issue, “Art & God,” thought-provoking, informative, engaging, and sometimes challenging. Our goal is to “wash the dust of daily life off our souls” (Picasso), allowing us to look beyond the here and now to something boundless and timeless; in fact, to develop and nourish our souls. By extension, our hope is to encourage us all to look to art as one way by which we can find communion with all of humanity and thereby seek a common good in the Art Gallery name of Jesus Christ.