Edge of Faith March 2017 | Page 3

Art Gallery

Christian artists share some beautiful and thoughtful images depicting this month’s theme.

Skip McKinstry

God's Good Order:

The Cycle Will Be

Broken, Bye and Bye

Skip writes a short story about a childhood memory growing up in the South during a changing era.

Kay Marshall Strom & Michelle Rickett

Forgotten Girls

Kay and Michele share their experiences working with the forgotten girls around the world. From abandonment to sex trafficking and what we can do to help stop it as we discuss their book, “Forgotten Girls, Stories of Hope and Courage”

the Creator, but being created in His image means we ourselves are creative.

Whether we are artists, writers, actors, musicians or whether we are plumbers, IT workers or accountants … we are problem solvers and we are creative in many ways.

In “The Art of Faith” magazine we want to accomplish just 3 things. We want to enlighten and engage our reader to be more informed of the issues around the world and how we as Christians can help to work toward a piece of the Shalom God intended for all of His children.

We want to spark the desire in all of us to learn about the history, theology and philosophy of the church and the world around us.

And most importantly we want to enjoy art in all it’s forms. To bring the church and the artist closer together and share their spiritual journey as they experience beauty and the creative process for God and each other. I hope you enjoy this, and many more, issues of “The Art of Faith”.

Michael Porter - Sr. Editor