EDA Journal Vol 11. No.2 Summer 2018 | Page 28

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT QUARTERLY This is a true end-to-end program that has engaged all members of their society, cradle to grave. From healthcare, transport, education, environment, aged care, opening a business, employing people, water and power security, the vision is one that everyone understands and gains value from. Smart Nation Singapore gives clarity to the future for all generations. It guides the strong collaboration of government services, enables business growth, embraces change and looks after its people. Everyone feels part of the need to do things better with data, from how a meal is paid to how the government service is provided. GETTING TO SMART IN AUSTRALIA – BEYOND THE POLITICS Australia must refresh and reframe its current smart agenda – it needs clarity that can transcend pet political projects and ideology. Right now, we need a clear vision of how Australia is going to be smart as a nation. That vision needs to be enduring and flow through all aspects of the economy, in all parts of Australia; it needs to empower all levels of government beyond the political cycle. It needs to create genuine public value and not a sugar hit of a grant program that the next political cycle will change. It may be easy to scoff at my very own utopia vision for Australia, but what’s the alternative? Those economies that surround us are growing in capability by embracing the fourth industrial revolution. Their levels of productivity and innovation are leaving Australia behind. To be lucky, we need a vision; we need to define our own smart nation. REFERENCES [1] https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/01/the–fourth–industrial– revolution–what–it–means–and–how–torespond/ [2] https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/01/the–fourth–industrial– revolution–what–it–means–and–how–torespond/ [3] https://cities.infrastructure.gov.au/ [4] https://www.smartnation.sg/ ABOUT THE AUTHOR Neil Glentworth is the founder and chair of information and data management firm GWI, and most recently developed Democracy Intelligence, a data-driven service that understands the political, social and economic activities in a given geographical region. He is passionate about productivity at a macro level and is an active advocate of economic growth and the creation of public and shareholder value. Neil is known for his no- nonsense advice with a focus on practical ways to leverage data for social and economic benefit. Working alongside all levels of government, Neil has focused on driving smart city and community strategies at the local government level, helping to grow Australia’s regional economies from the outback to the coast. VOL.11 NO.2 2018 | 28