EDA Journal Vol 10. No.2 Spring 2017 | Page 17

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT QUARTERLY FINALIST your way up the levels. The more effort you put in, the better you get. You have to have digital skills if you want to survive. As a direct action of the Advance Ipswich Plan, Ipswich City Council announced its intention to develop Australia’s most comprehensive Smart City Program based on three simple principals of jobs, growth and liveability. The Level Up Program is a Sunshine Coast Council funded program aimed at helping local small and medium sized businesses connect to high speed broadband (as NBN rolls out across the region), to ensure they have the necessary awareness and skills to utilise digital tools to improve their productivity and profitability. IPSWICH CITY COUNCIL “Smart City Program” Under the direction of a newly formed Digital Innovation Steering Committee, Council spent over six months researching domestic and international Smart City programs assessing the success and failure of more than 350 initiatives. At the same time, the Smart City Team engaged over 400 community, industry, government, development, emergency service, utility, education and health care representatives to capture perspectives on the opportunities and challenges of the Ipswich region. The team was then able to align a comprehensive variety of opportunities and challenges with a qualified set of global best-practice Smart City initiatives. The Digital Innovation Steering Committee took on the task of assessing and prioritising the 350 Smart City options using factors including Relevance, Impact, Cost, Funding, Time, Dependencies, Technology, Resources, Reliability and Collaboration. The result was a list of prioritised Smart City initiatives addressing the particular needs of Ipswich in the most efficient and effective way. To inspire initial interest, businesses were encouraged to participate in free information sessions both in person and online via webinar. Individuals then signed up for either the 12-week program (featuring a mix of in-person and online training), or individual components of the program. The program includes 12 one-hour webinars, webinar recordings, four half day workshops, access to mentors, a private Facebook group, discounts via program partners, and access to the online resources portal featuring a range of additional resources. This format gives small business owners flexibility to study around their business and family commitments. Over 370 unique business people have now engaged in some aspect of the program thus far, with the program still delivering additional workshops throughout 2017. The program was backed by over twelve partners including major Telcos, Chambers of Commerce and business organisations, keen to help accelerate the message and empower local businesses. Council was then able to develop more detailed assessments of the top 30 possible Smart City initiatives allowing for further critical review and prioritisation. This process continued until the Digital Innovation Steering Committee arrived at a set of actionable prioritised initiatives, platforms and principals which could be collated as the Ipswich Smart City Program. FINALIST SUNSHINE COAST CITY COUNCIL “Level Up – Digital Upskilling Program for SME’s” Surviving in business is quite competitive, and in the digital era, the game has changed. You start at Level 1, and as you become more skilled, you work VOL.10 NO.2 2017 | 17