16 eCREATIVE What really makes the trio’s music work? “We listen to each other. No one in the trio needs to be a star,” Payne says. “It is a true collaboration.” The trio’s genre is “free or improvisational jazz,” where nothing is predetermined, and all the music created is spontaneously improvised. Pianist Lennie Tristano recorded the first free group improvisations in 1949 for Capitol Records, a radical event for that period of time. Below: Carol Liebowitz (far left), Bill Payne, Eva Lindal, and poet Mark Weber at Scholes Street Studio in Brooklyn in May 2015. “There is no real form to this genre of music,” explains Payne, “and that sometimes makes it difficult for audiences to relate to it.” Interested musicians often avoid giving it any label at all. Fans come with no preconceptions, no expectations, and remain open to the creative journey the musicians provide. For more information on the Payne Lindal Liebowitz Trio’s CD, click here to visit Payne says visual art audiences are often more accepting of abstract art work as a creative form than they are of improvised music. “Our eyes seem to be much more ahead of our ears,” he Payne Lindal Liebowitz Trio is on Facebook