Eclectic Shades Magazine September 2017 | Page 28

When You Find Out

You're a Bad Mamma Jamma!

By: Andrea Wiggins

I recently met some incredible new ladies who I am blessed to be coaching. It has reminded me how much I LOVE working with women who find their STRONG for the first time!

These women are all powerhouses in their right. That moment when they realize that the "limits" they created for themselves were totally in their mind, and not how strong they truly are, is the best feeling in the world. Both for them AND me!

So many times we are afraid to be "new" at something; to be a beginner or to try something that is totally outside of our comfort zone. We do not want to do something if we think we cannot be great at it from day one. And I absolutely get that thought process because it is one of my biggest struggles!

No matter how hard we try, we will never be "perfect." Being great at something rarely happens from the start and usually takes time. However, there is also something so awesome about trying something for the first time. About being a "beginner" at something. You get to recreate yourself!

Think about it. You have never worked out with weights before, or done a fitness competition, or ran a marathon, or learned to swim. The list could go on. The assumption is that you won't be very good at it, so you don't even try.

But just like these women I work with who discovered that they were so much stronger than they realized, you may find out that you have so much more potential than you even imagined.

The beauty of trying something new is there is no "old self" to compare to. No bad memories or bad experience that you need to get over. You get to create something new in yourself that wasn't there before. And THAT is exciting!

What is that thing you have wanted to do, but been too afraid to try? Have you wanted to learn to strength train? Have you been playing around with the idea of running a marathon? Have you been dying to try your hand at a new skill or hobby? Have you wanted to start a new business?

What would happen if you decided you were going to stop living out of fear and start living out of faith? Imagine what you could do then? ;-)

And of course, if that new thing you want to tackle is living a healthy, strong and more empowered life, then you and I need to talk!

Get ready to have an amazing week and don't forget to stop by Andrea Wiggins Strong and let me know how you plan to show up even stronger this week!

Committed to your success,
