Eclectic Shades Magazine March-April Eclectic Shades Magazine | Page 50

A couple months ago, I made a decision to lose a few pounds. This commitment led me to changing my diet, getting a trainer, and walking at least four to five days a week. It’s been quite the journey since I have never before fully embraced and taken on such an endeavor. That being said, this past weekend was very interesting for me. As per my recent birthday request, my children entered me into the Ambassadors for Sustained Health (ASH) Bash 10K! Specifically, my requested gift was to participate in a wellness-minded event and especially one that advocates for a cause bigger than ourselves. What greater gift could I ask for?

Originating as a one-city celebration, ASH Bash has grown to a full-scale, annual cross country event that celebrates and raises awareness of their mission; believing that health is not just about medical care, but of a daily, global responsibility for getting and keeping people healthy holistically. Through 10K Nation’s initiative, they are also working to meet their goal to reach 10,000 ailing people in Kenya at the ASH Wamuini Community Center by the end of 2019.

The start and finish point of the event was held at Nelson A. Rockefeller Park in New York City, continuing southbound along the Hudson River. I instantly fell in love with the atmosphere—the beautiful breeze as I moved along the path, an inexplicable, mutual energy among the sea of people around me, and the breathtaking colors that set a remarkable silhouette against New Jersey at sunset. I posed for a quick photo at The Statue of Liberty, took in the assortments of sailboats docked along the shoreline ports, grinned at lovers enjoying hand-holding, and simply drooled over the cutest dogs I have ever seen. Not to mention having my own little pooch (Prince) alongside with my daughter was quite enjoyable as well. I didn’t think the company could get any better when I was joined on my last lap around the Hudson by Amy Yu, CFO of ASH and Sophie, another warm-hearted volunteer of ASH.

…my requested gift was to participate in a wellness-minded event and especially one that advocates for a cause bigger than ourselves.

After my beautiful day at ASH BASH, I unwound at home. The next day, I prepared myself for a quick workout at the gym as I would later be occupied by my son and two grandsons; little did I know that my son had very different plans for me! Having served two terms in Iraq and gained quite the fitness expertise, he instantly recruited me to his own version of boot camp.

Beginning with the treadmill for warm up, followed by the Stair Master and some pushups, I was crying out in total defeat. My son looked at me and said, “Ma, I don’t feel sorry for you because you can do this.” My grandsons laughed in hysteria from the sidelines. After managing some crunches and pull ups, I was ready to go home. “One more exercise, Ma,” he said. Reluctantly, I agreed and followed him to … the heavy rope training.

Looking easier than it is, my son shocked my muscles into action with tons of pulse-pounding stunts to ramp up my heart rate and strengthen my core. Common movements include waves, slams, throws, spirals, and whips. All of these involve swinging your arms up and down (or side to side) in some manner for timed intervals.

Sealed with a Kiss


Saffron Trust