Eclectic Shades Magazine March-April Eclectic Shades Magazine | Page 11

OS: For Simmer, we spent about five hours writing in Derrick’s cabin, taking a series of scenes from the feature film and making them more cohesive for a short. It didn’t change much from there until we got into the editing room.

The two of you come from different backgrounds, and even different generations. How did that factor into your collaboration?

DH: You know, there were a couple of times we had some disagreements, but overall, we respected both of our roles and strengths. In many ways, Owen and I have opposite personalities and pretty different backgrounds and life experiences. You would think we would clash, but we did not. All I can say is, the movie pushed both of us out of our comfort zones, but in the end brought us closer together.

OS: Our differences are what made it a great collaboration. I think all of what Derrick mentioned will come out even more in “Cry of a Butterfly”— the cast is bigger, and the script takes time to explore how everyone has a unique background and set of experiences, which makes up their personality. It shows how positive it can be when those different people come together— they develop friendships they would have never expected.

What is your favorite scene in Simmer?

DH: Oh man, that's so hard because there are two I can name, but I would have to say it's when Cyrus asks Tony, "how many black people are at this fancy school you been yapping about."

OS: It comes off of this highly emotional moment, and you think things are going to amp up even more. But then Cyrus comes back with that line in a really controlled way. It completely catches Tony off guard, and shows how his perception is so different than Cyrus'. Danzel Square (Cyrus) did an amazing job. It’s also hard to imagine it without Robert Ashker Kraft’s performance as Tony.

What advice do you have for other independent filmmakers out there?

DH: That’s easy to answer: create something very unique, true to your heart, and topics that most people do not like to talk about! Those are the best stories.

OS: And I’d say that’s hard to answer! Haha. I agree with Derrick.

How can we watch Simmer?

DH: Check us out at a film festival! Say hi to us on Facebook, Instagram ( It means a lot to know people are into the project and the message.

OS: We have a website— We’ll be posting updates on festivals, all of that.

What's next?

DH: We will submit " Simmer" to several film festivals that we feel gives the best exposure for our film. We will also be marketing the feature script version of "Simmer," entitled ”Cry of a Butterfly."

OS: And we have a few other things up our sleeves. Right, Derrick?