Eclectic Shades Magazine February Issue 2017 | Page 48

Ditch the “All or Nothing” mindset

So as you enter this next month of the New Year, you may be feeling one of two ways about your “resolutions”.

You are either going strong and feeling great about the new habits you have developed, the weight you have lost, the better you have been eating. Or, you’ve had a little set back and those old voices are starting to speak to you again:

“Here we go again, I knew we couldn’t stay committed”

“We only made it one month…we are never going to hit our goals”

“This is too hard, let’s just quit”

“Well, I tried…I’ll give it a go again next year”

So let’s have a quick reality check here. Yes, you may have fallen off of the wagon. Yes, you may strayed off course. Yes, you may have goofed up.

But now you’re ready to throw in the towel, give up and scratch those annoying resolutions right off of your list. Heck, you may just throw the whole list away. Because if you can’t get it perfect, then what’s the point anyway.

But let’s just hold on a second and think about that logic.

Whenever we are starting something new, there are going to be bad days. Or days when we fall back into old habits or old routines. That’s just a part of life and a part of staring something new.

Where true success comes in, is when you decide to acknowledge the mistake or misstep, make a correction and try again. You keep moving forward!

Imagine for a second if Steve Jobs, the creator of Apple or Mark Zuckerberg, the creator of Facebook decided after a bad day, or a failed attempt, that they were going to just give up. What if they decided to throw in the towel and quit? Where would Facebook and Apple be today? They wouldn’t.