Eclectic Shades Magazine December 2014 Issue V | Page 48

The Art of Happiness

I have spent the past few years exploring (to be kind) a lot of who I am not, in order to find out who I am. In doing so, I have suddenly, miraculously, discovered this sense of unbridled happiness, to such an extent that it feels as if my very body will buckle and shatter to pieces as my soul erupts like some sort of supernova of joy sending little particles of happiness smashing in and through everything around me for thousands of light years. I have finally come to a complete awareness of this great feeling, processed what it was and how it came to be. My conclusion is a list of things one may do in order to attain happiness for the rest of their lives or (for as long as I can prove at this moment) an extended amount of time, at least

1. Do whatever you want all the time

. Anarchy? Sometimes when people hear this statement, they assume it has a negative connotation to it. For example, people often say, "Well if everybody just did whatever they wanted to do then people would just go around killing and raping each other, and what kind of world would that be!?" (You would be surprised how many people propose this.) My answer to that proposal is that if other people feel that's what fits their fancy that's one thing, but it certainly is not mine as I am far more interested in enlightened things, and to the best of my knowledge from experience, most people don't actually like to or want to kill people or rape people. All of that stupid shit aside, it's important to know what you want out of life. Most people don't know they don't like something until they try it and there is great merit in trying new things, it helps you grow. If you don't know what you want, then you won’t get or do what you want and you will obviously be unhappy. Ask any child who doesn't get their way; I'm sure they'll back me up on that. Some people say, yes it is wise to do whatever you want... then they add 'as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else.' This is laughably funny to me. Every single thing you do in life hurts someone else. You cannot escape that. The air you breathe is taking someone else's breath. To be specific, when you drive your car, you’re straight up destroying the environment. We all live on this Earth; therefore you've hurt everyone by going to work today. Asshole! Just Joshing you, let’s get back on topic, now that we know that everything you do can, will, and does hurt someone else (obviously to different degrees, most often emotionally, in which case it’s an evident case of weakness of character on their part) and we know that in order to whatever you want you must know what you want to do, you now have the building blocks to complete step one.