Eclectic Shades Magazine December 2014 Issue V | Page 26

The Poetry Corner

with Poet Kathleen Romana

"Keeping the faith"

Smoky vapor rises

from grates over city sewers,

swirls around garbage cans

through the half dark alley.

A cat darts down the fire escape

and there's a baby crying upstairs.

Stray dogs separate from the shadows,

hungry, alert to every aspect

of every movement.

Early morning Barrow Street,

a brand new day tugs at the imagination,

full of origami moments

waiting to be folded into colors and shapes

and hung on a mobile of dreams.

Balancing on a steel beam,

tight rope walkers in Sunday clothes

cross the Everett Street bridge,

over train tracks, by the stockyard.

There's a white church

bathed in rays of light,

fire and brimstone, peace and love,

instant incineration for the corrupt,

and comfort for the broken heart.