ECHO | Page 7

In general I wouldn't change a thing. Standards are satisfying , school subjects are important and the curriculum gets good elaboration: but we are coming to the one huge barrier which is called „Commercial law“. I'm writing this so that next generations know what is waiting for them and to possibly try to influence our teacher’s teaching methods. I'm not trying to make this subject become less important. Quite the opposite. This subject will be a big help later on in our psychophysical development and also it will help those who are planning to go to college. The problem is we as secondary school students are treated as if we had already finished several colleges. Our teacher’s expectations are too high and we feel sad, angry or incompetent. Students are also scared to give their opinion as well as ask when they have a problem with something. They are also scared to miss classes especially exams even if they are really ill.

For 4th grade students it is already too late and as Iame as it sounds, I am saying this so that the future generations would feel comfortable and excepted but most of all so that future generations would have the right not to come to classes in case of their private issues.
