EB!Z !NC. | Page 41

Ebiz: "So, we understand that your latest appearance was on FachTV.com?"

Milano: "Yes, this company is pretty amazing. We can actually have PayPerView live stream and you can watch our program from your very own cell phone. It is absolutely the future, we are excited to have the opportunity to work with FachTV.

Ebiz: "So with all your success, do you have to have your own security around?"

Milano: "Yes, at times we do. I have a personal bodyguard by the name of Omar. He is very stubborn, however, if I say "no" it means yes and if I say "yes" it means no LOL but he is a great guy, and the perfect one to have around for security."

Ebiz:.""So DBR Record Label reaches all the way to Africa, we understand."

Milano: "It really does, we get so much music from Africa, there is so much great talent out there. Right now we are working with a kid by the name of Daniel, we are going to give him an opportunity to release his music through our label. Everyone is very excited about his music."

Ebiz: "Wow, this is really good news! To see that you're giving opportunity all over the world."

Milano: "Well, it's not for everyone, it is a difficult business but if you stick with it you'll eventually get results."

Ebiz: "Now you guys have your very own T-Shirts, and just added your very own bottled water isn't that right?"

Milano: "Yes, we have merchandise from T-Shirts to sweaters and towels to now water. We just opened up a new line of shirts called 'PARIS' and they have really taken off. We have bathing suits as well with the logo, and each shirt can be customized with my signature as well as Actress Christina Milano's."

Ebiz: "Wow, you guys are steady busy. So everyone has watched you grow on Social Media, what would you like to say to your fans?"

Milano: "I'd like to say thank you foremost, to everyone who has supported us through the years, it really matters to us. I would also l ike to thank God for his favor upon me and my team. Without Him and our fans we would never have gotten this far."