EB!Z !NC. July. 2014 | Page 14

Michael Johnson

A seventeen year old african american of Toledo, ohio who won a competion for EB!Z !NC.s Newest Male Model which came with a photoshoot and much much more.... that will start is carrer off in the right direction; from one of Toledo's Hottest Photography Studio

Aaeon Geller Photography!

This is a new caarrer for this young man

and a Dream Oppertunity of a Lifetime!

We here at EB!Z !NC. plan on

helpping this young gentelmen

to the highest level achievable;

which would not have been possible

in his ecconomic standards he is

currently dealing with.

Hes a handsome , well mannered and

educated young male and we forsee his

carrer going far in the modeling industry.

We are going thru great lengths to see

it thru!

Congradulations Michael Johnson


~ EB!Z !NC.

Aaron Geller

Owner and Photographer