EB5 Investors Magazine Volume 7, Issue 2 | Page 111

alternative is not going to work for everyone. Investors with relatively short redeployment terms (for example, 2 - 3 ye a r s) m ay n o t wa n t to s t ay i n a l o n g e r - te r m redeployment investment suitable for investors subject t o a l o n g e r t h a n 10 - y e a r v i s a backlog. Also, he length of the redeployment term will affect each investor’s goals in terms of expected returns, liquidity needs, and risk tolerance. Finally, the possibility of backlog relief that shortens redeployment timeframes c o u l d fa c to r i n to a n i nve s to r ’s decision making when considering redeployment alternatives. eve n if th e o r i g i nal of fe r i n g g e n e r all y all owe d fo r other investments to be made after the original EB-5 investment, the process of investors actually choosing a subsequent investment may require investor consent for any such subsequent investment. Most investors who wish to continue pursuing their EB-5 visa would feel compelled to approve a reasonable investment that suits each inves tor ’s individual circumstances. In such cases, it would behoove a regional center to engage an SEC-registered advisory to provide consultation to ensure that SEC and FINR A’s suitability rules are being met. "EB-5 investments are regulated securities subject to SEC oversight. Redeployment investments are no different." As with any investment decision, it is critical that EB -5 investors assess the suitability of a particular redeployment investment. As such, regional centers should of fer EB - 5 - compliant redeployment investments suited to the needs and objectives of their investors. REDEPLOYMENT IS AN INVESTMENT, SUBJECT TO INVESTMENT OVERSIGHT EB-5 investments are regulated securities subject to SEC oversight. Redeployment investments are no different. Most EB-5 investors subscribed for the original EB-5 investment based on an offering that described the specific EB-5 project, but most likely did not contain de tails regarding a re de ploy me nt inves tme nt. A nd U nde r s tandably, U S CIS ’ p olicy guidance on redeployment may be outside the exper tise of most financial advisors or wealth managers. With 792 USCIS -approved EB-5 re gio nal c e n te r s c u r re n tl y o p e r ating in th e U ni te d S tates, it is clear that not all regional centers have t h e e x p e r i e n c e , c a p a b i l i t i e s , a n d /o r r e s o u r c e s to sufficiently accommodate all redeployment investment options. In some instances, many regional centers only have a handful of investors and providing a range of redeployment solutions to its investors is simply not a viable option. There are other, less intensive ways that regional centers can provide redeployment investment alternatives that take into account an investor ’s individual situation consistent with SEC and FINR A suitability rules. For EB5INVESTORS.COM 111