EB5 Investors Magazine English Edition, Volume 4, Issue 2 | Page 108

KNOW THY MARKET The Role of Research in a Matter of Ho Compliant Business Plan. by Marisa Marconi Mixed-Use Real Estate Developments Mixed use real estate developments include office and retail lease space in addition to residential units for lease or sale. The market analysis summary for these projects should address both the residential component (including “A ‘Matter of Ho the aforementioned data points) as well as the commercial Compliant Business Plan’ component. Key market data and research includes: is common parlance in • Average price per square foot for other available space the EB-5 industry now.” for lease in the area. • Notable retail anchors or points of interest in the immediate area. • Growth trends of the neighborhood or immediate area. For example, an urban neighborhood with explosive growth in new residential development would be a prime market for new retail lease space. M ost investors, developers, and regional centers un- tomer base contribute to the company’s potential. The derstand that a simple project description or gener- research and data included in the plan must be tailored ic business plan won’t pass muster with U.S. Citizenship to the business type and industry to be relevant. For ex- Hotels can range from small three- and Immigration Services and an in-depth document is ample, data about the local population does not provide star hotels in suburban towns or tran- required for project/petition approval. much context for the market potential of a hotel that ca- sit hubs to five-star hotels in the heart ters to visitors from out of town. Moreover, the market of some of America’s biggest cities. -Re- Hotels What makes a plan compliant is a topic that has been ex- analysis section should be more than just data—the busi- gardless, data related to tourism and traveler plored by myself as well as many other authors featured in ness plan should create a narrative using data to paint a trends and the performance of similarly rated hotels this publication. But a key element that is sometimes more picture of the market, the project or company’s place in in the immediate area add credibility to the hotel’s project- difficult to define is that the plan must be credible. In sim- the market, and its potential. ed performance. Key data includes: ple terms, the credibility of the plan is related to whether A summary of important data by industry and project type • Average daily rates (ADR) and occupancy rates of other the claims made in the plan are believable. The purpose for some of the most common EB-5 project types follows: hotels in the market within the same service level. of the business plan is to provide context and justification • Historical and projected growth of ADR, occupancy for job creation. In regional center projects that count op- Residential Real Estate Developments rates, and RevPar. erations’ jobs, or direct EB-5 investment projects where Residential real estate projects consist of the construc- • Tourism trends for the local market. the company directly creates jobs, total revenue is the key tion and subsequent sale or leasing of residential units • Notable points of interest in the nearby vicinity of the indicator and metric used to determine job creation. Rev- or properties. Demand for new units is dependent on the property. enue, of course, is driven by the capacity of a business growth of the real estate market and existing supply. Key to provide services or products, but also the demand for market data for these types of projects include: Restaurants those products and services in the market. Therefore, the • Recent sales price per square foot for real estate in the While the recipe for a restaurant’s success includes an ap- credibility of a business plan (and the revenue projections immediate market (in the case of units slated for sale). pealing menu, good management, and effective brand- and staffing projections included) is rooted in the research • Rental growth, rental rates, and vacancy trends (in the ing, the chosen location and characteristics of the market presented in its market and industry analysis. case of units slated for lease). surrounding it are just as much a driver for success. Market • Population demographics, household incomes, and pro- analysis for restaurants should include: jected growth. • Demographics for the population within a one-, three- The market analysis section of the business plan iden- • Competitive properties under development and associ- and five-mile radius. tifies the target market of the company’s products or ated rental or sales rates. • Consumer spending patterns related to dining out. services and provides details related to supply and de- • Notable benefits of the location, or key economic drivers • Projected growth in population and consumer spending. mand. The aim is to quantify and describe the primary in the area, including large employers, shopping centers, • Competitors’ performance. customer base and how the characteristics of that cus- and areas of interest. • Applicable restaurant trends. Market Analysis in Business Plans 1 07 EB5 INVESTORS MAGAZINE WWW.EB5INVESTORS.COM 108