EASYUNI Ultimate University Guide 2013 Issue 6 | Page 33

CO U R S E S & C A REERS What is a Fashion Buyer? This is a job not many people hear of. They do work in the fast-paced and aggressive fashion industry, where trends constantly come in and out of the public eye. Ultimately, fashion buyers select items to display in stores based on what they think will be trendy. This is not all just about domestic work either; they go around the world to try and work out favourable deals and situations for their company or retailer, talking to foreign manufacturers and scope out the latest at fashion show. Qualifications and Skills To be able to work in an industry such as this, a person has to be: • Innovative; • Witty; • Confident; • Self-motivating; • Able to predict future trends; • Able to identify and analyse patterns in sales reports; • Enthusiastic about the job. Being able to negotiate and knowing how to deal with others is another must in this job. It doesn’t end at the deal; a fashion buyer must maintain good standings with their suppliers and even designers to make sure they continue to get the best-quality merchandise possible. Being a fashion buyer is almost all about being a people person and reading others. Another important quality that a fashion buyer should have is enthusiasm for the job. Humans are creatures of habit, so the past and the present may hold clues to what future merchandise might sell to potential shoppers. Spotting these clue require talent and skill. If a person enjoys it wholeheartedly, then it’s more of a hobby than a job. Pursuing one’s passion is the best thing a person can do for their company, because they would want to strive for nothing less than success. Education A bachelor’s degree would be a great boost. There isn’t one specific degree deemed the best, but ones that would probably be the most beneficial would be in business, marketing or even fashion in general. Obtaining any one of these degrees shows that an individual has at least a little bit of experience in the field already, and is willing to learn more. easyuni Guide 2015 Issue 6 31