EASYUNI Ultimate University Guide 2013 Issue 4 | Page 24

CO U R S E S & C A REERS well, such as accounting, sales and marketing. As this job requires you to meet lots of clients, networking is obviously very important. Some investment bankers are good enough to have solid contacts already in It takes a lot of patience, time and dedication to be successful in investment banking. Being multilingual can also be an advantage, as you might encounter clients who don’t speak English. Being multilingual also widens your career options in terms of relocation to another country. Besides getting all the necessary degrees, you must be very knowledgeable in finance and very strong in mathematical skills. As an investment banker, your main job is to advise your clients how and where to spend and save and, more importantly, how to make their money work for them. Understanding how the overall financial market works is also crucial to succeed as an investment banker. You must be aware of the ongoing financial trends and know how to make best use of market analysis and history to predict the possible turnout. Apart from managing your clients’ money, you need to understand standard business practices as IT TAKES A LOT OF PATIENCE, TIME AND DEDICATION TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN INVESTMENT BANKING 22 easyuni Guide 2014 Issue 4 always a smooth ride because, like being an insurance agent, you tend to facing rejection from people who are unwilling or unconvinced of your investment strategies for their hardearned money. Highly Competitive But Rewarding their hands, while others need to start from scratch; in which case, strong communicati ۈ[