Eastern Chatter Issue 6 Autumn / Winter 2016 | Page 16

TAURUS Apri l 2 0 - May 2 0 You are bound to have more energy than usual. You may not know what to do with it all but don’t waste it! It will not last forever so use it when you can. There will be many changes in this year, but any independent “Bull” should be able to handle it. CANCER Aries May 2 1 -June 2 0 The more cheerfully that you think about the future, the more likely you are to have a good time. Rather than focusing on work all year use your time to do the things that you love instead. Your year depends on your actions, so make the most of it! June 2 1 – July 2 2 2017 is a year of difficult choices so be prepared for change in many areas of your life. Don’t splurge money on things you don’t need. Relationships will require a lot of work to be stable. Make sure to think before you act, not doing so could easily cause problems. Fe brua ry 1 9 – Marc h 2 0 This year will be great for you if you take the right steps. Swapping some fun for some security will pay off in the long run. In the meantime, don’t be afraid to have fun when you can afford to. At times this year will be crazy for you because the Pices’ don’t like a dull moment.   LIBRA Dec em ber 2 2 –Januar y 1 9 This year will seem like it is going slowly, but this will make it easier for you to keep up with everything going on around you. Savour each day for what it is worth. Take time to do the things you love and you will be sure to have a good year. The practical Capricorns accept what will be will be. Sep te m ber 2 3 – Octo ber 22 This year will go by quickly, but that doesn’t mean that you will miss out on important opportunities. You will feel like you have more energy than usual, so use this to your advantage. Try to keep your personal world balanced, but also leave time for friends. SAGITTARIUS SCORPIO Octo ber 23 -No vem be r 2 1 This year you will have your ups and downs, but remember to be as optimistic as possible. The more relaxed you are the more likely you are to succeed. Scorpio star sign will get a lot done this year in both career and social life. But don’t move too quickly, take your time. By Jennifer Rush No vem be r 22 – Dec em ber 2 1 Even though this year will go quickly you must remember to keep yourself composed as often as possible. Getting stressed out about everything will hurt, not help. Sagitarians people tend to want to learn all they can about the past, present and future. AQUARIUS VIRGO August 23 – Sep tem be r 2 2 You may not feel like you are making as big an impact as you would lie to, but it will all pay off in the long run. Always try to spare some time for the people and hobbies that you love. This zodiac sign is hard-working but it doesn’t have time for the other sign’s sass or distraction. CAPRICORN July 23 – August 22 This year will be a bit slow but this will make it easier for you. Take things in your stride. With time, feeling like it’s moving at a slower pace, you may also feel like you are able to get more done this year. Use your time wisely. PICES LEO Marc h 2 1 - Apri l 1 9 You will be more in control of your emotions than usual during this year. However, don’t forget to use logic when it comes to making important decisions. New opportunities will come your way and you’re bound to have a good time. GEMENI   Januar y 2 0 – Fe bura ry 1 8 This year your life will take a more serious turn. While you may get bored at times, you know that you can do exciting things! This star sign makes the best friend anyone could ever have. Don’t let a moment of your year be dull, keep moving and doing new things. 2 0 1 7 is t h e year of the r o o st e r .