Eastern Chatter Issue 5 Summer 2016 | Page 27

So why do people actually lie? It might be because of fear or maybe you don’t really feel good about yourself, here are some of the reasons explained…

FEAR – an American writer called Tad Williams said that people tell lies because they are afraid of something, like not knowing the answer, or being afraid of what others will think. People can be so afraid of what might happen if they told the truth. Maybe they have done something wrong and are afraid of the consequences of their actions, so they lie to cover up what they did.

MANIPULATION – Lies are sometimes told to get other people to either do something or not do something. Someone might lie to get something they want, like money or power etc.

PRIDE – Sometimes, a person will lie because of pride and create a better image of themselves by exaggerating, which is a type of lying. Some people will create interesting, but fake stories to improve their image. You see this lots on social media where people only post about the good things. This is often caused by low self esteem and people wanting to appear more interesting than they think they are.

It can be hard to stop lying when you start, because you are afraid to say the truth after you have lied so many times, you might think people will think less of you, or that you are boring. Sometimes you might break relationships or friendships because you lied, but when you stop lying and start saying the truth then you feel peace as you’re not scared that people will find out your secret.

Why Do People Lie?

By Ala Jezewska