Eastern Chatter Issue 5 Summer 2016 | Page 24

My friend Josie is really weird and she loves pink. Josie is a great friend and she loves technology no matter what make, brand or type it is.

I was just stepping into the school gates with my sister Andie and our friend, Josie, ran over to us. Josie was looking excited about something and I was wondering why.

“Hi Willow, hi Andie” Josie burbled waving crazily. “Uh…Hi.” Andie replied. “Hiya!” I whispered.

Josie now looked as if she was about to burst of excitement. “Uh... Josie I hope you don’t mind me asking but is there something on your mind? You know, that you’re excited about?” Andie asked. “Have you forgotten girls?!? We are going on a trip to Bristol Zoo!!!” Josie answered happily. “OH” I sighed knowing I wouldn’t have a packed lunch because my mum wouldn’t have remembered.

On the bus I opened my bag to get a pen and saw a tasty packed lunched organised by my mum! I didn’t know she remembered to pack me lunch seeing as I totally forgot about the trip.

On the bus I sat by Josie whilst Andie sat by Laura. “I wonder what we will see at the zoo?” Josie wondered aloud. “Animals” I answered. “I meant what animals?” Josie corrected, “It’s obvious we are going to see animals” she sneered matter-of-factly.

After hours of Josie talking to me about the news we finally arrived at the zoo. We had to go into pairs and Josie clung onto my arm willingly. “Can I be your partner Willow?” She asked pleadingly. “Yes okay then” I replied. “YAY!” Josie shouted making the whole class look at us. I blushed of embarrassment shaking the arm Josie was clung to. “Girls stop it! You’re making a fool of yourselves!” Miss Ball shouted making everyone around start staring at us. Josie blushed a blood red trying to hide behind her coat. “Josie stop playing around!” Miss Ball yelled making more people stare at the students. “Oh look girls you have got everyone staring at us once again!” She yelled.

We looked at all the lovely animals like the gorillas, meerkats, the spiders, the snakes and the crocodiles. My favourite animal was the red panda because it was cute.

When we arrived back at school and everybody was leaving Miss Ball kept me and Josie back and told us off, saying that we were making a show of ourselves making the school look bad!

My sister Andie was waiting for me by the gates. “Miss Ball was over-reacting. She was the one who actually made everyone look.” Andie told me as we walked out the gates.

“Why are you guys late from home?!?” Mum asked us as we walked through the door. “We um…” I mumbled “well… me and Josie got kept back because…” I whispered trailing off. “Well Mum, Josie wanted to be Willow's partner for when we were on our trip. So Willow said that Josie can be her partner and then Miss Ball told them off because Josie shouted yay and caught the attention of only our class! She started to shout at them for getting everybody’s attention which made everyone look. So Miss kept them behind” Andie rushed explaining every little detail.

“Leo, Bella, Andie and Willow!” Greg shouted up the stairs “Get dressed we are going out!”. “Where are we going??” Leo asked. “Wait and see” Greg answered keeping his eyes on the road…

“Are we there yet??” Bella moaned staring out the window at the long sandy beach spread out with a blanket of blue sea waving over the sand. “Almost!!!” Mum answered. I started to mouth the lyrics to the songs that came on the radio and sometimes I even sang the lyrics out loud wondering where we are going…

By Ellie Kavanagh

The Weird Friend!

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