Eastern Chatter Issue 5 Summer 2016 | Page 10

I’m Melissa and I’m in Year 8 in Eastern High School. I’m writing to you to answer some of the questions that I had when I was in year 6 and to hopefully help you when you come up to high school.

Will I get lost?

No. On the first few days of high school, once you have been put into form groups, your form tutor (your teacher that you will have at the beginning of every day and some lessons), will give you a tour of the school (my feet ached after all of the walking). The school may look big from the outside but when you walk around a bit, it doesn’t feel as big.

Where do I go if I need help?

You can go to a teacher or a member of staff - This teacher could be your form tutor, the Pastoral Officer, your favourite teacher, a teacher that you feel comfortable talking to or any teacher available.

A friend- You could tell your BFF or just a friend that you feel comfortable telling.

You should never feel scared or embarrassed about telling people your problems/worries.

What clubs are there?

There are many clubs you can join in Eastern High School.

The clubs are:

Athletics Club

Badminton Club

Baseball Club

Basketball Club

Football Club

Gymnastics Club

Magazine (Eastern Chatter)

Netball Club

Performing Arts Club

Rugby Club

Welsh Club

There is also a Homework Club that you don’t have to sign up to, you only go if you need to do homework which is very helpful.

My Tips For You

Make friends as soon as possible.

Pack your bag the night before school Remember your planner.

Remember to do your homework.

Try not to get distracted in lessons.

Yours sincerely,

Melissa Jenkins

P.S. Good Luck!!


Year 6 Me...

By Melissa Jenkins