Early Childhood Family Education 2016-2017 Catalog | Page 5

2016-2017 ECFE Class Descriptions

2016-2017 ECFE Class Descriptions

Mul�-Age Birth-5
( For children birth - 5 years , before kindergarten ) Join other families with children birth to five and spend �me together par�cipa�ng in age appropriate ac�vi�es . You will separate from your children for parent discussion of child development , sibling rivalry , and the effects of media on children . Separa�on �me for course 200 will take place the first half of class .
Course # Day / Time Loca�on Fee Scale
Mon / 6:00-7:30 pm
Gladstone Center
Thurs / 9:30-11:30 am
Gladstone Center
Mon / 9:30-11:30 am
Beaver Lake Center
Wed / 6:00-7:30 pm
Beaver Lake Center
Nature Family Fun
( For children birth - 5 years , before kindergarten ) Make nature discoveries together and meet new friends ! This class is offered at the Maplewood Nature Center in collabora�on with Early Childhood Family Educa�on ( ECFE ) staff . Parents stay with their child ( ren ) during the en�re class . Fee is $ 5 per child per class . Preregistra�on is required .
Check www . isd622 . org / ecfe for Nature Family Fun class lis�ngs .
Course # Day / Time Theme
Sat . Sept 24 10:00-11:30 am
Sat . Oct . 15 10:00-11:30 am
Sat . Nov . 12 10:00-11:30 am
Sat . Feb . 25 10:00-11:30 am
Sat . March 25 10:00-11:30 am
Sat . Apr . 22 10:00-11:30 am
Chickadee Club
Terrific Trees
Live Animals
Animal Tracks
Maple Sap Into Syrup
Honk and Quack
Español / Spanish Speaking Families Clase para niños de edades variadas entre 0 y 5 años
( antes de entrar al kinder ) En esta clase los niños harán ac�vidades educa�vas con usted , y se socializarán con otros niños . Luego usted par�cipará en una conversación ( en español ) que se trata del desarollo y la educación de los niños .
Course # Day / Time Loca�on Fee Scale 108 Wed / 9:30-11:30 Gladstone Center D
ECFE / ELL Mul�-Age Birth-5
( For children birth - 5 years , before kindergarten ) This mul�-age class meets two days per week and is for families wan�ng to prac�ce English . You and your children birth-five a�end together to improve your English language skills through conversa�on , learning ac�vi�es , and more . This class meets through June 1 , 2017 . Children who are age 4 by 9 / 1 / 16 will be enrolled in the 4-day session of District 622 Preschool .
Course # Day / Time Loca�on Fee Scale
202 Mon / Wed 12:45-3:15 pm
206 Tues / Thurs 12:45-3:15 pm
Beaver Lake Center
Beaver Lake Center
Pop-In and Play
( For children birth - 5 years , before kindergarten ) Parents and children have an opportunity to learn and play in the ECFE classroom and gym with new ac�vi�es each week . Parents , grandparents , guardians , or caretakers and their children are welcome . Fee is $ 3 per child , paid at the door each visit .
Course # Day / Time Loca�on Fee Scale
Fri / 10:30-12:00 pm
Gladstone Center
$ 3 / child
Sat / 9:30-11:00 am
Beaver Lake Center
$ 3 / child
Sliding Fee Scale for ECFE Classes and Sibling Care ( PER SEMESTER )
Gross Annual Household Income
Fee A
Fee B
Fee C
Fee D
Fee E
� $ 100,000 and up
$ 182
$ 136
$ 295
$ 120
$ 384
� $ 75,000- $ 99,999
$ 151
$ 115
$ 250
$ 100
$ 353
� $ 50,000- $ 74,999
$ 121
$ 92
$ 200
$ 80
$ 323
� $ 35,000- $ 49,999
$ 91
$ 69
$ 150
$ 60
$ 293
� $ 20,000- $ 34,999
$ 60
$ 46
$ 100
$ 40
$ 262
� $ 0-19,999
$ 30
$ 23
$ 50
$ 20
$ 232
Please x the appropriate combined family income . This is your class fee for one semester . Write the fee in the space provided on the registra�on form on page 11 . Payments are confiden�al . No district family will be denied par�cipa�on due to inability to pay . For more informa�on about payment arrangements contact our office at 651-748-7280 . * Monthly payments will be offered for the Parent-Child Preschool Class ( Fee E ). The first month ’ s payment will be due at �me of registra�on . The remaining payments will be due the first of each month through April 1 , 2017 . Please contact the ECFE office for details . www . isd622 . org / ecfe