E-portfolio Konstantinos Kordolemis | Page 2

My profile Πολιτικόσ Μηχανικόσ Απόφοιτοσ του ΕΜΠ Αθήνασ Μιλάει άριςτα την Ιταλική γλώςςα και αρκετά καλά την Αγγλική. Του αρέςει η μουςική , το ποδήλατο και η φύςη. Παίζει μπουζούκι και ςυμμετέχει εραςιτεχνικά ςε διάφορα μουςικά ςχήματα. Συμμετέχει ςε εθελοντικέσ δράςεισ και παρέδωςε μαθήματα ιταλικών ςε Έλληνεσ που ςυμμετέχουν ςτο SAVIC. Είναι μέλοσ του ΟΙΚΟ.ΠΟΛΙ.Σ Member of SAVIC project What I found out , during the twenty-day trip of the group of Italians in Greece and the Greeks in Italy, under the program of exchange of information and experiences on voluntary activities of Greeks and Italians, is that the Italians are very hospitable people, they like very good food, wine, music, songs and dance. So I had the opportunity to enjoy classical music, traditional music and songs, modern music and songs and Italian traditional and modern dances. When presenting the traditional dances, the Italians were wearing their traditional uniforms. In Italy there were several festivals and celebrations and almost everyone who attended them, participated as well. Our friend Alfio Fenteritsi, who was responsible for our hosting at Sant Angelo in Vado, performed at the truffle festival, singing in front of thousands of people, earning their applaud. Also in the city of Urbino, the birthplace of Rafaello, at the city theater, we witnesseda great evening with songs and theatrical interferences, i.e. narratives with political and social context from 1950 to 2000, organized by the Syndicate of Professional Manual Labor of the region. What also struck me was the fact that the Italians, apart from their traditional dances, were also dancing a lot of international dances such as cha-cha, charleston, mambo, Twist, tango, waltz, etc. The most impressive thing was that both young and older people used the same moves .This happens because they all go to the same dance schools and are taught the same movements. In general I think that both Italian and Greek people are very similar in almost all aspects of living and therefore we use the phrase <>, which can be translated as “same face same race’’.