E-portfolio Apostolos Psarros | Page 2

My profile Καθηγητήσ φυςιογνώςτησ Εργάςθηκα 35 χρόνια ςτη Δευτεροβάθμια εκπαίδευςη , ςτη Νάξο, Άνδρο, Χαΰδάρι και Κάιρο ( Αμπέτειοσ Σχολή). Διευθυντήσ ςτο 1ο Γυμνάςιο Χαΰδαρίου 2007-2012. Συντόνιςα πρόγραμμα Comenius με 6 χώρεσ και απέκτηςα πολλέσ εμπειρίεσ. Συμμετείχα ςτο Ευρωπαΰκό πρόγραμμα senior SAVIC 2014 . Mιλάω Αγγλικά και έχω πολλούσ φίλουσ ςε διάφορεσ Ευρωπαΰκέσ χώρεσ. Είμαι μέλοσ του ςυλλόγου ΟΙΚΟ.ΠΟΛΙ.Σ. Συμμετέχω ςε πολλέσ εθελοντικέσ δράςεισ Συνταξιούχοσ από το 2013. Member of SAVIC project From the beginning I participated in SAVIC project. I improved my knowledge of ICT and English language via moodle and I learned a few basic phrases in Italian. But the most important point is that I gained great friends from Greece and Italy. When the group of seniors Italians was in Greece I enjoyed my participation in all activities . The most impressive for me was how was the life in Italy. I met up close how is the family life in Italy, how important is the position of women in the family and in Italian society, how hospitable are the Italians! Apart from the knowledge and experience I have gained, I brought with me even seeds . I hope the friendship I gained will have deep roots as the Alfio's seed which traveled from Italy ( Saint'Angelo in Vado) to Greece ( Kalamias ) . I feel very lucky because I am a member of SAVIC project!