e-mosty March 2018. Naeem Hussain. Bridges. Naeem Hussain. Bridges. | Page 22

of stainless steel on a large scale but on a whole life basis is cheaper than black steel considering the repainting costs. Architectural vertical strip lighting was introduced in the steel section of the towers, Figure 39. The design as actually constructed is a structurally and visually enhanced development of the Reference Scheme and fulfilled the Owner’s desire of a unique bridge in the urban landscape of Victoria Harbour. On a personal level as the Project Manager this bridge increased my knowledge of design for ultra-long span cable stay bridges that can cope with extreme events of typhoon winds, seismicity and ship impact, knowledge that came in useful in design of Queensferry Crossing. Figure 39: View of the bridge with strip lighting in towers G. Jizhou Bridge – Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge (2008- 2018) Jizhou Bridge is part of the 43km dual 3-lane with hardshoulder expressway across the mouth of the Pearl River estuary which will connect Hong Kong with Zhuhai and Macao, Figure 40. As the bridge joins Hong Kong, Macao and Mainland waters a joint committee comprising of members from Hong Kong Highways Department, Macao and Mainland authorities was formed to overlook the design and construction of the bridge in the Mainland and Macao waters. The design has had to satisfy the design codes of both Hong Kong and mainland. In 2008 following a bid submission Arup in joint Figure 40: HZMB Components 1/2018