e-Books Dec. 2013 | Page 5

D Communication Group Career Sin # 2: Not getting integrated Even though it might be a very tempting thought to find all the people from your country and connect with them, think twice before doing it. Your stay in the country will surely be pleasant with many friends you feel comfortable with. But you risk to fall into the trap of ethnical isolation. Thus, you fall behind with your integration in relation to language, customs and behavioral rules. The resulting lack of integration and understanding of norms is a definitive turn-off for employers. The reason is that your lack of adaptability will be interpreted as general lack of the ability t adapt which is one of the greatest career sins. Especially in relation to fitting in at the workplace and “chemistry” which many employers consider crucial, the lack of integration is work sin # 1. What to do? While it is not necessary to let go of your foreign friends, you have to make the effort to get native friends, to participate in the community and learn about customs, traditions and etiquette This, plus involvement in any voluntary or student movements will greatly increase your career opportunities. Page 5