DTLA LIFE MAG #9 | SEPTEMBER 2014 | Page 44

Here Kitty Kitty by Janene Zakrajsek

Is there such as thing as overdosing on cats ? If their popularity on the internet is any indication , it sure doesn ’ t seem likely . Dogs although they are ‘ man ’ s best friend ’, are now routinely out shined by cats which have been wildly gaining the attention of popular culture worldwide in everything from cute cat pictures , hilarious cat videos , and hipster cat apparel and accessories to cat cafés , feline film festivals , cat art shows , and yes , cats with celebrity status . You have heard of Grumpy Cat , Lil Bub , and Colonel Meow have you not ? Call us a ‘ cataholic ’ if you will , but we can ’ t get enough of all this pussycat action in LA ! We can ’ t wait to see what 10,000 cat fans and fanatics looks like at the LA Feline Film Festival on September 21st at Exposition Park , which promises to be a celebration of cats , music , videos , and more cats , plus a Catoberfest Beer Garden ( www . lafelinefilmfestival . com ). The Cat Art Show LA 2 : The Sequel will be back in late January 2015 with a follow up to the insanely successful show earlier this year that drew thousands of visitors featuring cat-themed works by globally recognized contemporary artists ( www . catartshowla . com ). And if we are lucky , and DTLA resident Carlos Wong has anything to do about it , Downtown will be home to LA ’ s first cat cafe , an awesome concept made popular by Japan and being replicated in Paris , London , Singapore , Montreal , San Francisco and beyond . CatfeLA is currently in the works , gaining support for their Kickstarter campaign launching on September 14th ( www . CatfeLA . com ). If you love cats , you don ’ t want to miss this local feline frenzy !
Recent statistics from the National Pet Owners Survey show the cats have it by the millions ! As cat guardians know , it ’ s better to have more than one cat--or cats . There are a reported 95.6 million cats , as compared to 83.3 million dogs in the 68 % of US pet-owning households . Cat ownership is on the rise as traditional stereotypes of cat owners and ‘ cat people ’ continues to diversify , losing the stigma of the crazy single woman . And although studies cite differences among cat and dog people , we say better to love both species , and advocate for ‘ bipetual ’ or blended households where animals live in harmony with their humans .
As the limelight is shining brightly on the feline friendly community-at-large , more attention is drawn to our cats and how we care for them . There is now more emphasis than ever on understanding feline behavior and the importance of enriching their lives through living space and companionship , keeping in mind their feline health and wellness , and how it all fits together like a puzzle to create a happy cat / happy you . There are far too many common troubles that cat owners face in which can be corrected by truly understanding the nature of cats and what they need to feel stable and secure , as well to thrive in an indoor environment .
In dense urban areas like DTLA , an indoor cat is often the better animal companion choice better suited to apartment / loft living and where access to outdoor space is not needed . Understanding your little lion ’ s territorial nature can go a long way in creating the ultimate cat habitat within your home , whether it ’ s a small studio space or a multi-level penthouse loft . Catification , a new book soon to be released by duo cat behaviorist Jackson Galaxy , My Cat From Hell , and cat lifestyle expert Kate Benjamin , Hauspanther explores every aspect of this concept . ‘ Catify ’ your home to suit your cat ’ s personality , i . e . build highways with shelves and platforms to provide alternative ways of getting around , and think vertical space for climbing and perching . It ’ s also important to make considerations for litter box management , provide a selection of vertical and horizontal scratchers , a variety of toys for both solo and interactive play , and last but not least , create a routine around mealtimes and learn a new approach to feline nutrition and wellness .
Looking for ways to take your feline relationship to the next level ? The Pet Experts at Pussy & Pooch can guide your selections for the best design-forward and functional cat products to ‘ catify ’ your living space , plus we are your trusted resource for premium cat food and natural treats , litter and supplies , cat toys , cat behavior books , cat grooming , and more . Stay tuned to our events calendar for our special cat-themed socials , and we will definitely see you at all the upcoming feline friendly events ... ME-OW !
Janene Zakrajsek Pussy & Pooch
564 S Main Street Los Angeles , CA 90013
213 438 0900 www . pussyandpooch . com