Drive In Tales Summer 2015 | Page 43


Jackson slowly stood, “I’m going to find something to eat. We won’t stop until we reach Kinshasa tomorrow.”

Heedman nodded and turned back to watch the sun as it began its slow descent into the distant end of the river.

The passengers of the boat saw the smoke before they ever saw the skyline of the city. Kinshasa had days on occasion when humidity and smog clung to its atmosphere but it never emitted this type of heavy smoke. Everyone knew immediately that something was wrong.

As the boat got closer, it became evident that the city was in chaos. Fires could be seen raging in overturned cars and in the windows of many buildings. Crowds were in the streets, shouting and marching while sporadic individuals dashed madly through the roads. The harbor was crammed with boats that had decided not to attempt to enter the city. Samson, who had taken over navigation, steered the vessel next to a small dingy craft.