Drive In Tales Summer 2015 | Page 19

Schigellowicz’ roof. He tried to put it out with his garden hose, but the stream from his hose wouldn’t reach the roof. It looks like it's going to burn down as well." She shook her head gravely. " "How on earth could such a thing happen in our quiet neighborhood?"

“Maybe we should take some pictures. I can get the camera.”

“That’s not decent, Janey. Where do you get these ideas?”

“Well, I just thought daddy would like to see what was going on.”

Janey watched as Mr. Schigellowicz screamed and flailed his arms and jumped up and down on his front lawn like an outraged chimpanzee. His antics were funny, but Janey knew better than to let her mom hear her laugh.

"Maybe someone was playing with matches," she said. "Or one of those gas guys was smoking. I bet that was it. I saw them standing around smoking and laughing. Men. You can't get good help these days. Always thinking with their pocket snake."

"Yes," her mother said distractedly. "Well, I’d better finish folding the clothes. You be sure to come get me if any sparks land on our roof." She turned and strode into the house.

Janey sat down on the grass. A fireman was shooting a stream of water at the tanker from a big yellow hose trailing behind Mrs. D’s garage. Spot came trotting up with the ball in his mouth. He dropped it at her feet, panting happily, his smiling face turned up to hers. He flopped down, rolled over once and regarded her with his head cocked endearingly