Drink and Drugs News DDN Feb2018 | Page 15

More on commissioning at www.drinkanddrugsnews.com It’s a lose-lose situation for commissioners, providers and most importantly service users as tenders are issued where it is just not possible for even the leanest organisation to deliver... has been the focus of both the APPG Complex Needs and Dual Diagnosis People powered recovery report and the EMCDDA paper, User-led interventions – an expanding resource? But where do they sit in the commissioning framework?’ In too many instances, peer-led initiatives are not written into the tender specification at all, he says – or if there are, they are levered into service provision as ‘added value’. In such cases, the specification is often ‘so fuzzy it risks becoming meaningless’, with the vast potential to add valuable layers of peer support and aftercare completely missed. The practice of ‘whole system commissioning’ excludes many peer-led organisations with strong track re