DREAM BIG #4 July 2015 | Page 42

Good News

By Mika, Kathryn and Josh

In our piece, we tried to say that freedom comes in all forms. We have "freedom" as the lead story on our fabric newspaper that is laying on the coffee table near the T.V. remote (which also hints at good news being broadcast). In our newspaper, we tried to show that you should have freedom no matter your race - black or white; or if you are male or female; gay or straight.

We did enjoy this project because we got to be creative with what we made. We also liked the idea that our statement piece will also be put in with other pieces that are different statements on the same theme like more pieces of a puzzle coming together.

Canvas, acrylic, fabric collage, thread

Uniting the Races

By Katelyn, Rian, Olivia

Our group tried to accomplish putting different races of people in our project to show that they are equal. We put an American flag in the shape of a heart to show there is freedom and there is unity of all races.

We all enjoyed the project. We put our ideas together using different materials. If we were to do anything differently, we would probably change the size of the people so we could fit more star...and change the stars to hand-prints! Canvas, acrylic paint, fabric collage

Baldwin Jr. High School continued