DREAM BIG #4 July 2015 | Page 115

William H. Ziegler School

Philadelphia, PA | Mrs. Feighan-Drach

7th Grade

Topics: Hubble Space Telescope, Astronomy

Summary: Students explored the photos taken by the Hubble Telescope as well as learning about the history of the telescope. Students recreated their own rendition of one of the photos using chalk pastels.


1. Understand the function and history of the Hubble Telescope;

2. Explore the photos taken by Hubble;

3. Create a rendering of one of the photos.

Materials: Black construction paper, pencils, chalk pastels, photos taken by Hubble

Steps to setting up and preparing

1. Create power point of Hubble photos;

2. Gather background information on Hubble;

3. Locate video about Hubble;

4. Copy photos for students to use;

5. Gather materials.


Step 1: Share background knowledge and video of Hubble Telescope;

Step 2: Display power point of photos;

Step 3: Experiment using chalk pastels;

Step 4: Draw outline of photo rendering;

Step 5: Using pastels, add color.


1. How does this assignment fit into your States common core curriculum standards?

Incorporates the element of color and the use of a different medium. Infuses science and art.

2. Did you and your students enjoy working on this assignment?

My students did enjoy this project. Most had never heard of Hubble and the photos intrigued them. They had also never used chalk pastels before, so although they found it different, they liked the challenge and the effect chalk pastels create.

3. Do you see any room for improvement?

Yes, working with chalk pastels is not always easy. More practice with the medium would have made it easier for students.