Dr Adriaan Liebenberg My Spine Lumbar | Page 53

My Spine - Lumbar What is an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scan? This scan is performed with magnetism. A very large magnet aligns and realigns the molecules of the body and a computer then interprets the signals that are received and turns them into images. These images are really very clear and all the tissues in the body can be seen in great detail. As with CT scans, contrast can be used to give greater detail to blood vessels and also to indicate inflammation and cancer. Since this technology works with a large magnet, patients who have certain metal implants cannot undergo this test. When you undergo this test you will be placed in a machine that has a narrow tunnel and claustrophobic patients frequently need some form of sedation for this procedure. The machine makes quite a lot of metallic banging and clat- tering noises and you will usually be offered earphones to block out the noise and in some institutions soft music is piped through these. Several types of pictures are taken. The most frequently used images are T1- weighted and T2-weighted scans. This is a description of the different ways that the scan manipulates the magnetic field of the tissue that is being exam- ined. It is not important to know anything about the difference between these different types of MRI pictures that are taken. It is, however, useful to know that there are several cuts (planes in which the body is examined) that are done. The most frequently used cuts are the sagit- tal images. These are images that are taken of your body from a side-on view. They are very useful in giving an overview of the spine in its entirety. The images that are more important for depicting the finer detail of the pathology are the axial cuts or planes that are taken straight through the spine and are like slices taken of a sausage. The nerves that are leaving through the foramina are seen side-on and look like little worms as they leave the spinal canal. This way your specialist can see a lot of detail about the nerves and any compression of the nerves. 53