Dr Adriaan Liebenberg My Spine Lumbar | Page 119

CHAPTER 19 LUMBAR DECOMPRESSIO (LAMIECTOMY AD LAMIOTOMY) (This is the section that explains the detail of the operation or procedure above and should be read in conjunction with the chapter Your Back Operation). A lumbar decompression is performed for trapped nerves. The aim of the operation is to remove the compressive elements that are compressing the nerves of the spine. This may be caused by bone, ligaments or even parts of discs. The patient usually presents with progressive pain on standing and activity which improves with rest. They will also have progressive weakness and a feeling of their legs giving way under them. This is because the compression of the nerves leads to dysfunction of these nerves. The aim of this procedure is to remove the compression with as simple and minimally invasive an approach as possible without causing the spine to bec