Dr Adriaan Liebenberg My Spine Lumbar | Page 105

CHAPTER 16 LUMBAR RADIOFREQUECY RHIZOTOMY (RFR) (This is the section that explains the detail of the operation or procedure above and should be read in conjunction with the chapter Your Back Operation). A lumbar RFR procedure is performed for pain that is caused by damaged facet joints. The aim of the operation is to temporarily paralyse the very small nerves that supply the facet joint of pain sensation. This will then bring par- tial or complete (but usually temporary) relief of the pain, spasm and referred pain that these damaged facet joints can cause. The reason why your specialist performs this procedure and not a more inva- sive operation is because he or she is trying to be as conservative as possible in treating your condition. The aim is to treat your symptoms without resort- ing to a more invasive operation. When undergoing this procedure, you will be lying on your stomach on bol- sters or pillows. Your specialist will use an X-ray machine to guide the nee- dles that are used to do the procedure with. A very thin electrode is inserted through the needles and the nerve that supplies your facet joint is stunned or damaged by radiofrequency generated by a radiofrequency generator. 105