Dr Adriaan Liebenberg My Spine Explained | Page 94

My Spine Explained Exercise 4 Put your right hand on the right jaw line. Try to rotate your head slightly into your hand, but no movement must take place. Hold the contraction for six seconds. Now do exactly the same to your left. Continue to alternate sides and repeat five times to the left and the right. The following two exercises are to correct the posture of your spine. Correct your posture every 15 minutes during the day. It must become a natural posi- tion for your body. Exercise 5 Sit on a chair and look straight forward. Sit up straight with your pelvis in a good posi- tion. (Make yourself “tall”). Relax your shoulders. Now lift the back of your skull a few millimeters off your cervical spine. If you do it correct, your chin will be slightly tugged in. Hold the contraction for 10 sec- onds and repeat it 10 times. 93