Dr Adriaan Liebenberg My Spine Explained | Page 65

Figure 11.5 This photo demonstrates the incorrect way of get- ting out of a car. Note how the back is bent and how the model hangs on to the steering wheel. Bending: When you bend down, keep your back straight and bend your knees. Remember to stabilise with your core muscles while doing the movement as been shown to you by your physiotherapist. Avoid picking up, pushing or pulling heavy objects for at least three months. After that you are only allowed to do it if you follow the correct instructions. When you need to lift a heavy object (after three to six months): Use your strong thigh muscles to lift, not your back muscles. Place feet apart and firmly on the ground. Bend your knees and not your hips. Face the direction that you intend to go. Hold the object close to your body. Lift the object by straightening your knees and hold your back as straight as possible. 64